Deer Hunting & Demons

My car is named Serenity, after the ship in the TV series Firefly. Specifically she’s named because of one line in the movie Serenity. “She’s tore up plenty, but she’ll fly true.”

My Serenity has had a rough life. The rural area I live in is infested with whitetail deer. Great if you’re a hunter, not so much if you’re just trying to get from one place to the other. After hitting, or being hit by, three deer, she’s developed a bad reputation.

Not my photo, but you get the idea!

Murder car, bloodthirsty, Christine, and demon possessed are just a few of the things my friends have called her. But, and this is important, she’s still going!

After her last kill two weeks ago, the women I park next to at work have had several close calls with the deer population. One even bumped a deer with her Thunderbird. As a result, they’ve decided that the demon is trying to possess their vehicles as well. (Read lots of sarcasm here. None of us really believe in demon possessed cars!) They’ve also suggested an exorcism!

Since I’m fairly certain the Catholic Church won’t sanction the exorcism of a Chrysler, we’ve agreed on smudging her. So the next step is a visit to the local rock/crystal/herb shop for some white sage, which should be an adventure in itself!

In closing, I just want to ask you, Readers: have any of you had any results from smudging? Good or bad?

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